Tom Hudson's lively legal wit and wisdom in CARLAW II - Street Legal follows two highly successful texts, CARLAW and The F&I Legal Desk Book. Like the original CARLAW, Street Legal will entertain and inform dealers and laymen alike with engaging stories drawn from actual cases.
Unlike CARLAW, Street Legal features not only Tom's articles, but those of many of the other talented Hudson Cook, LLP lawyers. The result is another wide-ranging tour of the perils of automobile finance and lease litigation and the ways to avoid them. Hudson and the other authors draw on a combined couple of centuries of legal experience. They harness their considerable writing and speaking abilities to cite actual cases and include incisive commentary.
The result? A journey from the point of view of "motorheads" who shore up the fainthearted, bind the injured, and warn the daring who leap in to the dealership world. Some tales are humorous, others are incredulous. As they say, "We couldn't make this stuff up if we tried."
Tom Hudson is the author of numerous articles on auto dealer practices and finance, published in the World of Special Finance, Auto Dealer Monthly, F&I Magazine, and, among others. From coast to coast, he is a sought-after speaker on topics of legal interest to organizations like The American Financial Services Association, The National Automotive Finance Association, The Consumer Bankers Association, The American Bar Association, The National Automobile Dealers Association, state auto dealer associations, and dealers.
If you've been suffering withdrawal pains since the last two books came out, here's your fix. CARLAW II - Street Legal includes more timely advice on matters essential to automobile sales, finance, and lease aficionados, both professional and pedestrian. His topics are varied and inclusive:
CARLAW II - Street Legal is obviously the work of lawyers who know their subject matter cold. Yet, they have a warm-hearted, good time translating all that legalese into plain (and in some cases, very plain and down-home) English.
You'll enjoy taking CARLAW II - Street Legal for a spin. Don't mess with the dice.